Ryan Trosen

Ryan Trosen

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What can God do?

I have been thinking a lot over the past week or so about what can God do. Mostly I am thinking about what God could do with me. I am not the greatest at much and I am not the biggest guy. But I constantly wonder what God could do with me. I know that he did so much with so many people in the bible and some of them were nothing special, at least in the beginning. One thing that sticks out to me is when Samuel keeps hearing the voice of God and thinks it is someone else. When Here hears someone call his name and he thinks it is Eli. But it is not rather it is God. Eli eventually catches on and understands that it is God called Samuel. I think that it is amazing each time he hears the voice his response is not to turn over or turn the music up louder but rather each time he says, "Here I am". The passage talks about how Samuel had not yet heard the voice of the Lord and so he did not know it. So Eli teaches him.

I think that it is so amazing what I have been given. I have been given the chance to speak into the lives of young people and help them start to hear the voice of God. God is calling our young people and what are we doing to help them hear the voice? What are we doing to help them listen and respond correctly? Are we bringing them into the presence of God? Are we showing them with our actions? Are we encouraging them to come to church and participate in small groups (teen group) with other people their age?

I am not sure about you but I am doing what I can with the kids God is placing in my life to help them to hear the voice of God and see what God can do with their lives. I am thankful for the parents in my church who make God a huge priority in their kids lives. I am thankful for the teens that make it a priority in their lives. But to those who are not it is not to late to help them turn and say, "Speak, LORD,  for your servant is listening."

That is what I want, I want my words to be, "Speak,LORD,  for your servant is listening." I hope that this are not just my words but my teens words and eventually my sons words as well. What can God do with me? It starts with listening for the voice of God and then just responding in humility,  "Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening."

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