Ryan Trosen

Ryan Trosen

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Another Wedding

My wife and I had the joy of doing the ceremony for my sister and her husband almost two weeks ago. It was my second wedding and the first for my wife. It was such a blessing to perform the ceremony and see two people come together in a union with Christ.

I used the passage from Joshua 1, in which Joshua is getting his instructions from God as he is going to be taking over the leadership position with the people of Israel. I cannot tell you how often I have had this passage come back to me when I am in a time of need. How blessed we are to have a God that is there for us. What a great thought that he loves us in such a way that he is willing to come to us and let us know that we can be strong and courageous when we might be struggling. It helps me when I am dealing with stress or things in my life that might be overwhelming or attacking my spiritual life.

I am grateful for a wife in my life that cares for me. I am so blessed that we have done this life together and that we have God as our center. For those that are struggling with where God is or what he has for you, just remember that He has said that he will be with you and will not leave you. I know it is corny and a little cheesy but I remember that poem of the feet in the sand. Why were there only one set? Because God might be carrying you through something that you did not know.


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