Ryan Trosen

Ryan Trosen

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Refusing to live...

Many of you know that I work in hospice. I have been working as a hospice chaplain in Iowa for a year and a half. It has been full of good days and difficult ones. During this time we have been part of a church plant in Marshalltown, IA. While here we have had the chance to meet some great people. Something is there, the idea of refusing to live. This does not mean that physically they are giving up. What this does mean is that the people around us are just there, some of us are half in but in reality they are not really living in all that they are called to. I have lived this way at times in my life, only half way with God. What this really looks like in our lives is refusing to live...I have at times lived yet not lived out what God has called me to.

In Revelations 3:16 we are told that we are to either be hot or cold. That God does not want us to be on the fence with what we are or where we are going. What he is telling the people, is that God wants them to live. When I dug into this I really started to see what God wanted for me. I started to understand who God really wanted me to be. That there was more to life than just doing things my way. That I was called to be HOT or COLD for Christ. 

Are we going to be the HOT water that brings healing to those around us. To be the hot springs of warmth and soothing to those around us that are in need of healing. I have been there, I have been around those in my life that have prayed with me and walked with me as I needed someone to help me heal and be RESTORED. 

Or was I going to be a refreshing blast of cold water on a hot day. I remember growing up on the farm and needing a cold drink of water on a hot day. What is great is when you are living your life out for Christ and you get to breath this type of refreshing life into a someone's life. 

Since you are neither hot or cold I am going to spit you out of my mouth. -God (Revelations 3:16). This is what Refusing to Live looks like. I have lived like this and at times I need to check my life to see where I am at. One of the great things that I have had a chance to witness is getting to know people that are near death. They have nothing to worry about but living. They have shown me what it looks like live a life. 

I challenge you to try it for one week and see what happens. Give your life over to God and move from refusing to live to a place where you can live a life that is going to bring healing or refreshing life into a life around you.

Pastor Ryan

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